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Provide an overview of the design aspect of HAUSRACK. Explain the key considerations and decisions made during the design process. This section should give readers a clear understanding of the design choices and the rationale behind them.

Block Diagram

Include a block diagram that illustrates the high-level architecture of HAUSRACK. Identify the major components and their connections. You can use tools like KiCAD's built-in schematic editor to create the block diagram and export it as an image. In fact, using multiple sheets can help both create a block diagram and help structure a larger project in a way that is more understandable. Other tools to use include OmniGraffle and Or, you can embed them in the documentation using MermaidJS:

block-beta A space:4 B A -- "uses" -->B

Functional Requirements

List the functional requirements that HAUSRACK aims to fulfill. These are specific features or capabilities that the project should provide to meet its intended purpose. You can read more on requirements.

ID Functional Requirement
1 Describe your first functional requirement.

Non-Functional Requirements

Outline the non-functional requirements for HAUSRACK. These requirements focus on qualities such as performance, reusability, reliability, usability, and maintainability.

ID Non-Functional Requirement
1 Describe your first non-functional requirement.

Design Decisions Log

Explain the important design decisions made during the development of HAUSRACK using a decision log. Discuss the reasoning behind these decisions and how they impact the project. It can make sense to keep this in a CSV, or a separate Markdown document depending on your needs. An example Markdown table is:

ID Category Decision Impact Status Decided By Date
1 Hardware Use STM32 This means that we are locked into the ecosystem, but we have to make a choice Decided petrilli 2024-04-23